Once upon a time, three(5) friends, two young, one old(10) met behind a little red(15) door in Paris. They talked(20) about life and being spirit(25) enthusiasts they voiced their frustrations(30) at the inaccessibility of good(35) craft production. Why not produce(40) our own spirits and make(45) them available to everyone? Vermouth(50) emerged as an exciting starting(55) point, so they headed to(60) Italy to find a partner.(65) Three friends became five. They(70) planted wormwood and botanicals; went(75) searching for good wine, and(80) began to tinker. They tinkered,(85) tasted, tinkered, and tasted some(90) more until they had an(95) amazing product. Baldoria was born!!(100)
Baldoria is led by a team of experienced entrepreneurs, founders, and industry veterans; admired locally and internationally, constructively connected to a worldwide network of industry personalities.